The Hotel Is under lease till 2nd January, 1941. The Hotel contains about 20 rooms, and has lately been renovated, has newly erected garage for 4 cars, Is situated close lo railway station, and Is reputed to be one of the soundest propositions at present offering. HOTEL: Upon Lot 10 Is erected the Two-storey Brick Building, well Known as the RAILWAY LAND Lots 8 and 10, Section 12, in Parish and Town of Gunnedah, situated corner of Barber and Tempest streets, running through to Railway Street. Carroll, to ofTer for Sale by Public Auction, at their office. Kearney, Esq., as Executors of the Will of the late F. J-Mvlll oller the above described Land at AUCTION In their ROOMS. Plan showing measurements on Inrrd renns cash. Executor of the W11! of the late TimothyĪll those two Pieces of Land described as being part of Portion 538, Parish of Manly Cove, having an area of 1 rood, 35% perches and 10 perches respectively'. Will oller the above described Property at AUCTION In their ROOMS, 33 THE CORSO. Land by Tender at 27 Oxford Street appearing In the Tenders Column of this Issueĭetached Cottage, constructed of brick, with tiled roof, containing 4 rooms, kitchen, bathroom, back verandah (enclosed), The Land has a front- age of 33ft to Crown Rood by a depth of 151ft. PADDINGTON-Attention Is invited to sale of Will submit the above to PUBLIC AUCTION on the Property SATURDAY SEPTEMat 11 30 A M_. Property recently renovated and In flrstīLACKLER and McNICOL, Auctioneers Hornsby WAHROONGA! WAHROONGA! No 106 COONANBARRA ROADīRICK BUNGALOW tile roof containing lounge room 2 bedrooms extensive sleep out accommoda tlon breakfast room kitchen tiled bathroom front and back verandahs garage Sewered all convc nlences. The above affords buyers a wonderful chance cf Weatherboard Cottage hav shed silo balls dnlrv 25 cows bull 2 horses all necessary Implements for working farm Including Irrigation Plant Chcv SATURDAY 2nd SEPTEMBER 1030 at 3 P M the Property known os ORMCAMP Cornwallis Road Richmond Lowlands containing an area of 40 Acres of Rich River Flats with a frontage to the Hawkesbury River and a Mctrouo Itan Milk Board LIccnee and Including the following lnnl and Imptovcments.
#Weathercat pasies mac#
hove received Instructions from O B Mac dougall Esq to sell bv PUBLIC AUCTION at theil Rooms 28 East Market Street Richmond on

TJOBERT HARLEY and SONS LI LIDCOMBE and AUBURN (opposite Stall in*lĬity Office Castlereagh House 2b Castlereagh Street, Sydney.

Maits balance 50 per cent at the end of the third vear with Interest at the rate of 5_ per cent pei annum Purchase money In eleven equal qunrtcrly pav MATTHEW ROAD (near Kerrs Road) LIDCOMBh Terms io per cent deposit 40 per cent of the TJOBERT HARLEY nnd SONS -"-"AUBURN tt"d LIDCOMBE lopposlte Station). Land (about) 50ft to Pnul St by n depth of '»boutl 13lft 5In being Lot l8 on Deposited Plan 5006 being the whole of the Innd comprised In Certificate of Title Volume J061 Tollo 169 TorĪuction Boord on the Property -_*üU Pnrtlculnis from the Auctioneers THIS SATURDAY, 19th AUGUST 1939, at 3 p.m.""he COTTAGF of brick double ftonted roof of tiles containing 2 bediooms lounge room kitchen, pnntry bathroom vcinndih at rear also detached